The 2020 STATOVIRUS 19-
The STATOVIRUS19- was instigated to assist the great unwashed FCFC Koaches thru the 2020 family crises (who were these ppl in my house??) and to have a viable Comp. in lieu of missing 2020 AFL matches.
2019- rounds randomly were chosen by a range of rather ad hoc methods (thx to Koaches, Cyril, Hoges & Stinky), see videos below ... & those Stats used to create phantom rounds
A) 2020 Fixtures as normal – for both the FCFC & the AFL
B) Teams selected before bouncedown first 2020 AFL game for the Round
C) You must make at least one change to one of your starting 10 players (so we don’t lob exactly the same team each week). Should a change not be made, the Opponent can swap out ANY player with an Interchange player. Changes can be as simple as swapping positions for players.
D) STATS for the Round to be determined in 3 tranches from previous seasons as follows;
a. Pre-Saturday matches;
Shortly after bouncedown 1st match: a random Round number from 2019 season (1-23) selected & announced – use Stats from that Round for Pre-Satdy matches
b. SATURDAY Matches;
Satdy morning, or when dK gets around to it, Another 2019 Round No. given – use these Stats for the Satdy matches
c. Sunday+ Matches;
SUNDAY morning, or when dK gets around to it, Another 2019 Round No. given – use these Stats for the SUNDAY and Monday etc… matches
E) If a Player played did not play that match in 2019 (eg; including Bye Rounds) then use 2018 Stat for that Round, if Zero in 2018 then use 2017 Stats etc… keep going back until you get a hit.
If None then use Interchange
F) RUCKS: will score a minimum of 20 pts
G) 4 Interchange Players allowed
H) Interchange Rools as per NORMAL – ie; there can be no manipulation
I) Tally the scores!
1. Pick the Team
2. Click; Detailed Player Records 1965-2020
3. Click; Player to sort alphabetically
4. Find Dood, Year, Stat… job done